December 15 at 19:00 as part of the Art Club will be a meeting with the most famous Ukrainian photographer Efrem Lukatsky. As a photojournalist Efrem went through a large number of hot spots – Transnistria, Chechnya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Gaza. And the last year “hot spots” found him at home – Efrem fixed all the events that took place on Maydan from the first day. Now he visits every hot spot in Eastern Ukraine. Throughout his only weapon is a camera.
Efrem’s vast experience, he has his view on events in the world and Ukraine, and he will share it with the guests of the club. Experienced photographer will give tips on how to behave in crisis situations, talk about basic safety in hot spots, how to make a good shot in an emergency, features touches of modern photojournalism and fundamental problems.
Lukatsky – one of the most famous Ukrainian photographers, who worked in the agency The Associated Press for many years. Often his pictures tell more than the text of publishment. Almost all the world’s media, including Time, Newsweek, The New York Times, The Guardian, The Independent, etc used Efrem’s photos.
Efrem knows which photo will make sympathize with current events and share the secrets of decent photos for headlines of global issues. He’ll talk about developing your own photo project & how to make a name in photojournalism.
Registration for the event is required . Limited amount of places.
For more information, please contact the manager of the “Culture Horizons” Irene [email protected] email or by phone: +380 44 220-18-40, +380 67 214-34-62.