  • Design
  • Naming
  • Strategy

Scout is a Ukrainian company focused on the production of helicopters. Sometimes, friends with an engineering education gather together and decide to design a helicopter. Well, this is another story. . . It all started with the fact that some ambitious students with a technical and practical mind created a local area network for a section in the apartment building they lived in. Then, the LAN was extended to the whole building. After a while, the network got to cover a few districts of Kyiv. In fact, they were one of the first Internet providers in the city. The young engineers caught the interest of big businessmen, and their viable start-up was sold to a mobile service provider. The boys grew up, gained strength, and an idea of the helicopter came to their minds.


From the standpoint of helicopter flights, the air over the US is the most advantageous. Nearly every city and town in the United States operates its own airport, and a helicopter is considered to be a typical and convenient travel mode. So, Scout was tailored for those very latitudes, from technical and ideological points of view. Inspired by a human desire to fly, the developers erected a new production facility in Ukraine. Thus, we had a mission to create the brand and spread a word about it globally.


We studied international practices in using of helicopters and developed a positioning for Scout launching a communication strategy in the territory of our adventures. Realizing it was of no use delivering an advantage of the helicopter as a form of transport, we put a dream coming true idea into the Scout visual identity system. So to achieve your dream, you should fly, feel it and find it. Consequently, we came up with the communication platform Fly. Feel. Find, and produced all informational materials for the launch of the project.

Fedoriv's company is sprightly, without bureaucracy. I realized that I would learn from him much.
  • Alexandr Shostak
  • Scientific Director of STC "Horizon"