Founded over 120 years ago, Biofarma is one of Ukraine’s leading pharmacy companies and a modern high-tech enterprise. Until recently, the Biofarma brand was known among health care professionals; however in 2015, the company decided to target its products to a mass market. Biosporin is a probiotic that has a selective effect on pathogenic bacteria, without affecting a beneficial microflora.
Considering a very busy media environment and a host of identical ads of competitors, we had to focus on specific strengths of Biosporin and explain its mechanism of action in plain language
A human body has everything to fight most diseases effectively, without help, yet some negative external factors can drain body resources. Should this happen, the body requires support by a superhero who would eliminate the tiny bad guys and free the space for good guys, beneficial bacteria — Biosporin stars as the superhero! Trendy animations, European visuals and an unconquerable love for the darling microflora resulted in the growth in Biosporin sales by 10% per week.